September 6, 2023
Tummy Tuck: Mini vs. Full
You might be ready to reclaim your body after pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. Often, it’s loose skin that may be standing in your way, especially since diet and exercise can’t help.

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is often the best solution. While you’ll discuss the two options (mini or full tummy tuck) in your consultation, the outcome will be the same. You can finally have the appearance you want and deserve.
Is a Tummy Tuck Right for Me?
A tummy tuck may be a good option if you’re a healthy person of normal weight but dissatisfied with your abdomen’s shape or laxity. Typically, the best candidates for a tummy tuck include people who have:
- Excess belly skin
- Weakened abdominal muscles
- Skin/fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise
While a tummy tuck procedure can improve your appearance with a flatter abdomen, this surgery is not a substitute for weight loss. For the best results, maintain your ideal weight before surgery.
Mini Tummy Tuck
If your problem area is mainly below the navel and involves a minimum of excess skin, a mini tummy tuck (partial abdominoplasty) may be right for you.
During the mini tummy tuck surgery, your surgeon will:
- Make a small horizontal incision low on the abdomen and leave the navel intact.
- Remove excess skin and fat.
- Suture the incision.
You and your surgeon will also discuss if liposuction of the upper abdomen can improve your body contouring as part of your procedure.
Full Tummy Tuck
A full tummy tuck (standard abdominoplasty) may be right for you if you have more extensive fullness and loose skin in your entire abdomen.
During the full tummy tuck surgery, your surgeon will:
- Make an incision across your lower abdomen that curves up toward your hips.
- Create a small incision around the navel to position your belly button properly on your recontoured abdomen.
- Remove excess skin and fat.
- Tighten abdominal muscles if they are loose.
- Suture the incision.
You can also discuss whether liposuction may improve the appearance of the flanks, love handles, or the central abdomen. If the skin on your sides/hip region is extensive, your surgeon may recommend an extended tummy tuck.
Can a full tummy tuck help with my diastasis recti?
You may have diastasis recti if your belly “sticks out” or bulges. It’s a common condition where the rectus abdominis muscles separate from being stretched. This stretching can happen in pregnancy, or even from excess belly weight.
Fixing diastasis recti depends on the integrity of the tissue and if there’s a cosmetic benefit in bringing these abdominal muscles back together. While diastasis recti might be evident at your consult, the decision to tighten your muscles may be made during surgery based on the findings.
Tummy Tuck Recovery
Immediately after surgery, your body will start healing. For the first couple of weeks, you will have surgical drains that will help drain fluids, and you’ll wear your (surgeon-provided) abdominal binder 24/7 as you follow specific post-op instructions.
As you recover, you’ll wear compression, perform scar care, and get back to your life. Typically, you can resume most sedentary activities at 2 weeks and all regular activity at 6+ weeks, but your surgeon will give you specific instructions.
Tummy Tuck Results
Shortly after surgery, you’ll get a good sense of how your abdomen will look, but swelling is expected and normal for several months. Because the healing process is gradual, you may not see the final result for up to a year.
After recovery, you’ll experience the final outcome of tummy tuck surgery—a new appearance with a flatter stomach. Unless your weight shifts significantly or you become pregnant, you can expect most of your tummy tuck improvement and results to be relatively permanent.
How Can I Book My Tummy Tuck?
If you’re considering a tummy tuck for either cosmetic appearance and/or to help with abdominal muscle repair, rely on the leaders of plastic surgery in Portland, Maine. Our Plastic + Hand team has the most qualified tummy tuck surgeons in Maine.
It’s time to discover the results you’ll love. The first step begins here. Call us at 207-775-3446 or submit this request form to schedule your consultation with our Patient Care Coordinator to determine whether a tummy tuck is right for you.