April 22, 2024
Patient Story: Kyle
“I wanted a breast reduction for decades, but it became imperative when I couldn’t get through the day without handfuls of ibuprofen,” says Kyle. “The pain, especially in my shoulders, was too much.”
She came to Plastic + Hand Surgical Associates for her breast reduction in Portland, Maine.
“My breast reduction with Kelli Hickle, MD, was a life changer. It’s made a huge difference in this 70-year-old woman’s life.”

How it started
Kyle grew up working on a farm, driving tractors and doing long days of physical work. She was also an equestrian and rode hunters and jumpers her whole life.
“My breasts were never cute and perky. They were always just cumbersome, and I kept them pretty tied down all the years I rode horses,” she recalls.
Her breasts started to change at age 26 when she had her daughter and even more when she welcomed her son 15 years later.
“My breasts were literally hanging down to my hip bones,” Kyle says. “I had to push them up and strap them in every day. I was in a lot of pain.”
She stopped riding horses.
It was time to live pain-free
“I had the kind of bras that had four and five clicks. When you’re five feet tall, that’s most of you,” says Kyle. “It didn’t matter how wide my bra straps were, but they deeply dug into my shoulders with visible indentations. I even had patches on my back from all the years of those big hooks.”
While Kyle knew breast reduction surgery (reduction mammoplasty) was necessary, she was still nervous about taking the next step.
“I’m not a person that ever goes to the doctor, and I’ve never had any surgery like this,” Kyle says. “The minute I met Dr. Hickle, I knew right away she was a great surgeon to have in my corner. Knowing I was in good hands, I scheduled the surgery.”
Back in the saddle again
“The whole surgery experience and recovery was like a cakewalk, painless and easy,” Kyle says. “I think she took out six or seven pounds of breast tissue, and I’m so petite. She made me these perfect little Bs – teeny and cute.”
Stepping off a tractor to have this call, she acknowledges not many people think she’s 70.
“I’m an incredibly active older woman. Thanks to Dr. Hickle and the Plastic + Hand team, this breast reduction has freed up my mobility like you can’t even believe.”
As for what’s next, Kyle only sees good things ahead.
“My shoulder and back pain are gone. The instant pain relief was absolutely incredible,” she says. “I just started riding horses again. I will live to 100, so this was a great milestone.”
Are you thinking about a breast reduction?
Our Plastic + Hand team has the most qualified breast reduction surgeons in Maine. If you’re thinking about breast reduction surgery (reduction mammoplasty) to alleviate painful symptoms by removing excess breast tissue while reshaping and lifting breasts to be in better proportion with your body, rely on the leaders of plastic surgery in Portland, Maine.
It’s time to discover the results you’ll love. The first step begins here. Call us at 207-775-3446 or submit this request form to schedule your consultation with our Patient Care Coordinator to determine whether a breast reduction is right for you.